There are a lot of certifications out there for just about everything. For the consumer it can get very confusing as to what exactly they all mean. For the rancher and the farmer one thing is certain, it adds additional cost to the product. Is it worth it? When all is said and done the consumer has to believe someone. Here at our ranch we have decided to tell you how we raise our cattle; why we have chosen to say "Range Fed" and "Range Finished; and why we have made a decision to follow the guidelines of many of the beef certifications but not get their labeling rights.
The leading beef quality assurance education program in the U.S. is free to Texas ranchers. TSCRA teams with the Texas Beef Council and Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service to provide one-day seminars around the state for beef cattle producers. We are members of the TSCRA. We have also attended the Beef Short Course at Texas A & M for the last few years. Farmers and ranchers are one big happy family willing to talk and share about anything having to do with taking care of the land and providing healthy products to their customers.
The Certified Organic Label is almost everywhere. But after research, we found that we were beyond organic. We don't need to worry about organic grains or supplements since we don't use any grain or grain products anyway. We don't broadcast spray chemicals over the land so we don't have to worry about our fresh water supply.
You can find us on Eat Wild by clicking on Texas and scrolling down through the alphabetical list of farmers and ranchers to Rockin S Grass Fed Beef. West Texas doesn't have the rain that east Texas does so we manage our herd size to what the land and water supply will support. This is wild country for sure as everything out here sticks, pokes or bites to survive. Our Beefalo are showing our other breeds what they can really eat.
Bottom line is we raise our cattle on grass. Their digestive system was designed to eat grass so we see no need to fatten them up on grains and additional growth hormones.
As a side note. Can anyone tell me why it is important to raise vegetarian fed chickens. Everyone knows they eat: green plants, wild seeds, and animal foods, such as earthworms and insects — all fresher and more nutritious than anything you can buy in a bag. So I guess vegetarian raised chickens are raised inside a coop and fed only grain. Doesn't sound like a chickens life to me.